Tenacious Travel Tools

Them: 'A woman travelling alone scares me'

Us: 'It should, we're terrifying'

I’m not going to make the ‘where would I be without travel?’ quip again, that’s hidden somewhere else in this website. I love to travel and somewhere along the way I discovered solo-travel was fun, easy, and nowhere near as scary as I thought it might be. The blogs in this category are all about my love for solo-travel and how you can and should solo-travel with confidence too!

Read The Blogs:

Other Blog Categories To Check Out

Road Trip Tales

Where, how, and why to drive by the self-proclaimed queen of the long-haul roadtrip. Hit the road with me.

Exploration Inspiration

Discover a world of wanderlust. Hidden gems revealed and iconic spots through the eyes of a passionate explorer.

bear footprint

Wildlife Wonderings

Bear with me. My favourite thing to learn and share knowledge on! Tips for viewing moose and bears, and how not to see the largest owl in the world. 

Alice's Adventure Anecdotes

Tips and tales of rogue adventures near and far. Not always educational, but usually a little bit amusing. Settle in with a hot drink and be transported to the passenger seat of my trips. You’re more likely to want to read these if you’re my mum.

Categories Coming Soon

Hiking Hacks

Hikes and campsites that will blow your mind and stretch your legs.