Hi, I'm Alice

Hello and welcome 👋. If you’ve found this page you probably know me from such sites as the homepage of this website or maybe my Instagram. I’m an English girl in Canada spending as much time as possible exploring everything North America has to offer. I write about my experiences and my passions in the hope you’ll take inspiration, learn a fun fact or two, and maybe even invite me on your own wild adventures. 

I wear many hats (or toques, if you’re here from Canada); I’m a Copywriter and Digital Marketer by trade, but also an avid Photographer, Hiker, Roadtripper, and People Person. And there was a brief 4 years in University where I was a Linguist.  Through my blogs, you’ll probably notice how these identities put a unique spin and outlook on my experiences and adventures. Maybe you’ll find me interesting enough to stick around for a while.

I’m looking forward to you getting to know me a little better, please feel free to comment on my blogs so I can get to know you too!

Things I Write About:


Sunshine Coast air scenic flight to Princess Louisa Inlet

Where would I be without travel? Well, obviously in the same place. From fjords to deserts, I can’t wait to tell you all about places I’ve been lucky enough to explore.


Hiking the Berg Lake trail

They say to write what you know, right? In summer this is pretty much all I know. I learn more about myself and hiking itself each season, so happily sharing what I learn here, and giving you trail inspo.


Viewing a wild moose in Colorado

Wondering where and how to see a bear? A moose? The world’s largest owl? Same. I’ll be writing about wildlife viewing tips and experiences.

Oh, and everything else...

As I mentioned, I’m a copywriter. I specialise in  approachable conversion-oriented copy that sparks joy and builds a brand narrative (the kind of copy that goes hand-in-hand with building virtual community and brand loyalty). Click below and let’s connect.

They say the best things in life are free, and that must be true because you have viewed this blog at no cost. I’m hoping you’ve passed through, felt inspired or empowered by my blog, enjoyed the pretty pictures, or learned something new. Just in case you have some extra change clanging about in your bank account weighing you down, I’d gladly accept a donation for coffee as a token of your appreciation.

Let's Be Friends!

If you’ve read anything on this site, you know I love to meet new people. So, let’s get to know one another. Got questions? Want to discuss flat earth? Or just think we’d be instant friends? (Me too). Drop me a line and let’s pretend we’re sitting around a campfire sharing our life stories.